Do Children and Teenagers Need Life Insurance?


Most people associate life insurance with adulthood or even seniority. Why? Because the main purpose of life insurance is to contribute to the well-being of your family in your stead, in case you became unable to do so. However, insurance policies come in a multitude of forms and variations, coverage being offered to all age group, from toddlers to elderly citizens. This article focuses on insurance policies designed for children and teens. How do they differ from standard policies and, more important, are they useful or a complete waste of money?

Life insurance in its simplest form is meant to protect against financial loss and difficulty. Child Education Plan and teenagers don't really financially contribute to their families, do they? Nor do they do too many chores around the house so that you could say help would be needed in case, God forbid, one of them were to pass away. So, if we are to judge the book by its cover, life insurance for teens and children isn't really a compulsory investment. In addition to not being very practical, the numerous articles around the web which explain the importance and usefulness of life insurance for children force parents to face the macabre thought of their children dying. Unless we're dealing with severe hypochondriacs (I'm one of you.

